5 Critical Growth Steps for Scaling

5 Critical Growth Steps for Scaling

There are 5 critical growth steps for scaling and I’m going to share them with you! ...more

Studio Profits

July 12, 20245 min read

Lessons Learned from Serving 8868 Students This Year

Lessons Learned from Serving 8868 Students This Year

We are celebrating servicing 8,868 students this season. And did we learn a lot! I want to share with you my takeaways. ...more

Studio Business

June 28, 20244 min read

You Have The Dream Studio... Now What??

You Have The Dream Studio... Now What??

You have a rock star staff who steps up and does things for you. Now you don't necessarily need to be there. The studio runs without you. Now you might be thinking to yourself, what's next? ...more

Studio Business

April 19, 20243 min read

When Life Gets "Crazy" You NEED Accountability

When Life Gets "Crazy" You NEED Accountability

This time of year, sometimes we feel like a chicken with our heads cut off. We're running around not knowing what side is up, and the demands of comp season, costumes, recitals, summer camps, schedule... ...more

Studio Profits

April 12, 20243 min read

Quick Action Creates Results

Quick Action Creates Results

Let’s dive into how to identify signs and take quick action to create the results that are gonna have your heart singing. Quick actions create results and making a decision sets the path toward action... ...more

Studio Business

April 05, 20243 min read

Top 3 Ways To Reignite Your Passion

Top 3 Ways To Reignite Your Passion

Costumes, comp, and recital season can sometimes leave us feeling a little bit depleted and, dare I say, even burned out, which none of us really want. When we're feeling tired, overwhelmed, and deple... ...more

Studio Business

March 29, 20243 min read

From Layoff to Launch: My Journey to Entrepreneurship and Freedom

From Layoff to Launch: My Journey to Entrepreneurship and Freedom

Years ago, I found myself trapped in a cycle of long hours, unrecognized efforts, and the constant need to prove myself in a corporate environment. ...more

Studio Business

March 22, 20242 min read

Spotlight On Studio Management

Spotlight On Studio Management

Running a studio is more than just choreography and technique. It requires strategic planning, effective leadership, financial planning - and juggling skills. ...more

Studio Business

March 15, 20244 min read

Unlocking the Rhythm of Success: Strategies to Maximize Revenue in Your Dance Studio Business

Unlocking the Rhythm of Success: Strategies to Maximize Revenue in Your Dance Studio Business

Are you a dance studio owner looking to grow your business without overwhelming your personal life? Look no further. ...more

Studio Profits ,Mobile Studio

March 07, 20242 min read

Transform Your Dance Studio Business in Just One Year!

Transform Your Dance Studio Business in Just One Year!

Your business can experience remarkable growth and transformation within just one year! ...more

Studio Profits ,Enrollment Studio Business &Studio Marketing

February 29, 20242 min read

Summer Success Starts NOW

Summer Success Starts NOW

As the dance community gears up for the summer season, it's time for dance studio owners to strategically plan for a season of full summer programs and steady finances. ...more

Studio Profits ,Enrollment Studio Marketing &Studio Classes

February 02, 20242 min read

2023 TOP 10

2023 TOP 10

Sit back with your favorite beverage and take a stroll through our most-watched episodes of 2023. Gear yourself up for a fantastic 2024. Tips and tidbits abound, so you might want to grab a notebook a... ...more

Holidays ,Studio Profits Enrollment Studio Business Studio Marketing Studio Classes &Mobile Studio

December 26, 20235 min read