Beyond the Barre...

Expert insights & personalized guidance for dance studio owners ready to step into their full potential.

2023 TOP 10

2023 TOP 10

December 26, 20235 min read

Sit back with your favorite beverage and take a stroll through our most-watched episodes of 2023. Gear yourself up for a fantastic 2024. Tips and tidbits abound, so you might want to grab a notebook and pen while you are binge-watching.

Making An Impact

When you started your studio, one of the top reasons was to make an impact in the lives of your students. But HOW exactly are you doing that? And is this goal staying front and center (and definitely not hiding in the wings) of your studio?  Let’s dive into how to define what it means to make an impact and how to make sure you are living up to your vision in this area.

Watch here: 

Building An Empire

When you dream of the future is one of your goals to build an EMPIRE? An empire, by definition, is a large commercial organization owned or controlled by one person or group. Let’s discover what building YOUR empire can look like and why it is important to take the time to get clear on your goals and your strategic plan.

Watch here: 

Creating a Legacy

The older I get, the more important it is to me that not only I am personally making an impact, but that my businesses can continue to make an impact on customers' lives, the community, and culture long after I am gone. Whether that is because I have passed on the torch to my children or sold it to someone else in the organization, my goal is to leave a legacy. Let’s discover what it means to you to leave behind a legacy... and if that is a driving force for you in your business.

Watch here: 

Marketing Madness

Enrollment numbers may have you singing the blues, so you decide it's time to up your marketing so you can get more kiddos in the door. So you throw some money at FB ads and yet that just doesn't solve your problem, but you just aren't sure why they aren't working for you the way they used to (or for your friend's studio).  Let’s dive into the most common marketing mistakes I see in our industry, and how you can avoid them!

Watch here: 

Scaling Your Studio To The Next Level

Do you dream of a bustling studio, with every class filled to capacity with a waitlist of students eager to get into your programs? But it feels like you are stuck on a plateau where you add a couple of students, but then inevitably a few will drop, leaving you at the same enrollment numbers month after month.  It is totally frustrating and you can start to wonder what is going wrong. Let’s break down what the next level is for you and your studio and how to get there! 

Watch here: 

Finding The Gaps In Your Studio

When your roof leaks, you definitely notice. But sometimes, seeing the gaps in our businesses are not so easy to detect. Our to-do lists are a mile long. We go from one task to another and operate in a state of reaction the majority of the time. Until something MAJOR or BIG happens we go through the motions day-to-day and don't stop to see where our business might be leaking. Let’s dive into how to identify the gaps and come up with a plan to fix them.

Watch here: 

Tuition Time: Pricing Structure Strategies That Work!

If you are struggling to make the revenue or profit that you dream of, increasing your tuition rate may not be enough.  When looking at the financials, we need to look at the whole strategy, to know if our tuition structure will actually yield us the results that we desire. Let’s dive into the top pricing structures that work... and what NOT to do when it comes to your overall pricing plan. 

Watch here: 

It is OKAY to Say NO

Are you tired of saying YES when you really mean NO? 

Do you find it challenging to set boundaries and prioritize your own needs and desires? 

WHY is it so hard to say no sometimes?!?! 

If you are a serial people-pleaser, then this episode is for you! Let’s dive into why it can feel so hard to say no so often. Learn how to overcome guilt and fear, and chat about the art of saying NO.

Watch here: 

It's OK to Say YES

“If someone offers you an amazing opportunity to do something and you’re not sure you can do it, say yes. Then learn how to do it later.” — Richard Branson      

Saying YES to yourself, to make changes, to what brings you joy, to your why, to your purpose, to your passion, and to all that is possible allows us to live richer, fuller, and more vibrant lives.   I’m sharing my top 3 reasons why Saying YES can change your life!      

Watch here:

Lessons From Disney To Implement NOW

It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

After a quick weekend trip to Disneyland with my hubby, I am reminded why Disney is a master at what they do....and how you can implement a few things ASAP to increase your student retention and increase your client lifetime value!

Watch here: 

Please let me know your TOP 3 ACTIONS you are going to take in 2024 by hitting “reply” or sending an email to [email protected]

dance studio ownererin burddance studio empirestudio owner business coachingtop 10 marketing, visibility legacyempireimpact
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Erin Burd

Erin Burd, is a Women’s Empowerment and Business Coach, Author and Speaker. She started Birdy’s Kids In Motion and Dance Biz in a Bag on a budget of only $300.00 and built a six-figure business in just two years. Erin is passionate about paying it forward and created the $100K Studio Dance Blueprint and the Mobile Studio Mastermind and has coached multiple women entrepreneurs to launch their business on a small budget and how to take their business to six-figures.

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