Assessing Your Dance Studio's Systems

Assessing Your Dance Studio's Systems

June 12, 20232 min read

Are you feeling exhausted?

Are you working 50 - 60 hours per week? 

Are you happy with the results of your crazy routine?

If the answer is Yes, that is fabulous... and keep reading. Because, like you, I've enjoyed a hectic pace of life but am really fortunate to have cracked the code to keep it all balanced.

How to get there?

Systems and a Map!

Can you imagine a choreography where everyone takes different steps in different directions? How chaotic would it be? 

But… what’s the choreography like in your business?

Now you understand why you are almost burning out.

You can bring synchronicity to your business exactly like perfect choreography on the stage.

Systems and Synchronicity

Systems provide a roadmap for your business and help to keep everyone on the same page. When everyone understands the systems in place, everything runs much more smoothly. 

Ripple Effect

Apart from a map, there are many reasons why we want to document all of our systems.

Start with what you think is going to free up the most time. Systems are going to allow you to grow and make more money. I believe that is absolutely a ripple effect. 

 Life Happens... Don’t Let It Stop Your Business

My father was diagnosed with leukemia. It happened fast. Thank goodness that after 15 years of developing systems, we were able to have the free time to be with him while the business ran.  We never know where in life we will benefit from having great systems in place before life happens.

Systems Open Up the Future.

Suppose you decide to move on one day and the dance studio is not in your plans anymore. In that case, the solid systems implemented previously will guarantee the history of your business and the strengths of connection with your clients, collaborators, and suppliers. It increases your market value.

Or maybe you want multiple studios in the future. By applying the suitable systems, you will feel so comfortable and confident in growing that turning your dance studio into a franchise can be just a consequence of your first step into your genius zone.

One Thing: What is one system you can put into place today to cause a ripple effect in your business? 

dance studio ownererin burddance studio empireempire buildersstudio growthstudio business additional revenuehidden moneystudio owner burnoutdance studio systems
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Erin Burd

Erin Burd, is a Women’s Empowerment and Business Coach, Author and Speaker. She started Birdy’s Kids In Motion and Dance Biz in a Bag on a budget of only $300.00 and built a six-figure business in just two years. Erin is passionate about paying it forward and created the $100K Studio Dance Blueprint and the Mobile Studio Mastermind and has coached multiple women entrepreneurs to launch their business on a small budget and how to take their business to six-figures.

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